
Disability Services Overview
The prediction is that Disability Services will continue to grow significantly. There is growing demand to provide services and personal care to the disabled members of the community within their own homes’ environment:
Becoming NDIS Participant At Care For You Disability Services



What is NDIS?

  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support to people with disability, their families and carers. It is jointly governed and funded by the Australian and participating states and territory governments. The NDIS is being introduced across Australia from July 2016.
  • The main component of the NDIS is individualized packages of support to eligible people with disability. When the NDIS is fully implemented in 2019, it is expected that around 460,000 Australians will receive individualized supports.

Objective of NDIS

Objectives of the scheme outlined in the NDIS Act include:
  • Supporting the independence and social and economic participation of people with disability
  • Providing reasonable and necessary supports, including early intervention supports, for participants
  • Enabling people with disability to exercise choice and control in the pursuit of their goals and the planning and delivery of their supports
  • Facilitating the development of a nationally consistent approach to the access to, and the planning and funding of, supports for people with disability
  • Promoting the provision of high quality and innovative supports to people with disability.

Requirements to be a participant

  • Complete the registration form
  • Management needs to conduct risk assessment
  • Participant provide service agreement to verify that we can provide the service

About Care for You Disability Services

  • Our Mission is:
    Add value to our community by providing high quality community care services tailored to meet clients’ needs.
  • Our Goals are:
    Create an environment that values change, personal and professional growth and ability to think outside the square.

What is a Service Agreement?

  • A NDIS Service Agreement is a written agreement between a provider and participant which defines their terms of engagement. It is not a Service Booking.
  • Once you as a participant has understood the service agreement then we can proceed with stage 2 which is finding a suitable support worker.

What is a Care Plan?

A care plan outlines your care needs, the types of services you will receive to meet those needs, who will provide the services and when. It will be developed by your service provider in consultation with you.

Participant Rights

  • Participants have the right to have an input on their care plan
  • To put a feedback on their support workers.
  • Choice on their activity


An advocate can be a family member, friend or an independent person from a community organization. Advocates assist clients to express their needs or speak on behalf of a client. They are not substitute decision makers but are there to ensure the clients’ needs and wants are listened to.

Participant Responsibilities

We expect that you will:
  • Respect the human worth and dignity of its staff and other clients
  • Treat staff and other clients with courtesy and respect
  • Respect the rights of others including their rights to confidentiality and privacy
  • Be responsible for your choices and the results of any decisions you make
  • Play your part in helping us to provide you with services, by informing us of your support needs and any health, behavioral or wellbeing issues
  • Proactively participate in the development, implementation and review of person-centered
  • Support plans
  • Communicate any changes in your circumstances and needs to staff
  • Promptly pay any fees and charges associated with the provision of your service
  • Inform us as early as possible when support is not required

Complaints Procedure

Complaints management process can be simplified into five steps:
  • Receive : by phone or complaint form by: email, mail, our staff
  • Record : all information that is relevant to the compliment or complaint, in its original and simplest form, in Care for You Disability Services Complaints and Grievances Register.
  • Acknowledge : receipt of the grievance within 2 working days
  • Resolve : Involve the complainant – keep them informed of the progress of the complaint , request additional information.
  • Communicate resolution: Care for You Disability Services will respond to all complaints and grievances as soon as possible and within 28 days from acknowledgement.

Conflicts of Interest

  • Its team members will ensure that when providing supports to customers under the NDIS, including when offering plan management or support coordination services, any conflict of interest is declared and any risks to customers are mitigated.
  • All employees will act in the best interests of NDIS participants and other customers, ensuring that participants are informed, empowered and able to maximise choice and control. Staff members will not (by act or omission) constrain, influence or direct decision-making by a person with a disability and/or their family so as to limit that person’s access to information, opportunities, and choice and control.

Serious Incidents

For serious incidents, and major concerns please do not hesitate to contact the NDIS commission on :

Informed Choice and Control

ensures that the rights of Participants to make decisions and choices in all aspects of their lives is respected. Participants are and will be given every opportunity to develop and maintain their rights to have control over the decisions which affect their lives. Participants are supported to make decisions about their own support services. These include the activities they wish to participate in and the lifestyle they wish to follow. Care for You Disability Services recognizes that the support and development of decision-making skills and attainment of independence may involve elements of risk taking.

Privacy And Confidentiality

  • Care for You Disability Services recognizes the importance of protecting the personal information of individuals. Clients’ right to privacy and confidentiality is recognized, respected and protected in all aspects of their contact with Care for You Disability Services. All clients have the right to decide who has access to their personal information.
  • Information related to clients will not be released to other individuals or services without informed consent from the client or their representative, or in exceptional circumstances.

Withdrawal of Support

There will be certain circumstances that Care for You Disability Services will withdraw the support of the participant. Such circumstances include:
  • Risk Assessment indicating that the health of the participant is deteriorating
  • Environment is not suitable for both support worker and client.
  • Participant chooses not to continue with the support delivery.

Client consent

  • Client consent is an agreement to do something or allow something to happen only after all the relevant facts (risks and consequences) are disclosed to the participant.
  • All participants must complete a client consent form prior to services beginning